The beer label balancing information and design - 4Pack
The beer label balancing information and design

The beer label balancing information and design

In the month of beer, we toast to innovation

Beer, which originated in Ancient Egypt, has spread throughout the world over the years, or rather centuries. Recipes have been studied and revisited, and even today new variants in terms of taste, body, aroma, percentage of alcohol, etc. are continually being produced.

Beer has become a symbol in certain parts of the world and the focus of events such as Oktoberfest and St Patrick’s Day, which produce high media exposure for brands to capitilise upon.

Beer and beverage brands often build their communication around both trends but also tradition with limited editions, special labels, advertising campaigns and marketing promotions, which creates a significant number of changes to content and the challenge of managing that change.

We are now talking about a real beer culture!

This concept of culture has been enriched in recent years, with the increase in the production of handcrafted beers, which have originated in microbreweries for niche consumers, many of which have successfully accelerated to reach the mass market and consumption.

Apart from the taste, the label and packaging with the increasingly popular gift and convenience packs, differentiates these brands.

In such a wide and diversified market, standing out is essential. Creating a clear and well-designed label helps the consumer to choose, promotes the perception of transparency, driving brand loyalty and trust.

In recent years, there has been an increased demand for special formats and gift packs containing different varieties from the same brewery.  These packs vary by season, occasion and market.

Multi selection packs drives further complexity into managing the launch of these products with different recipes, versions, label information and design, all of which need to be accurate to the different market regulations

Each geographic market has its own preferences, both in terms of taste as well as packaging and the relative formats and materials.  Regulatory compliance is critical for both consumer safety, protection of the brand and to mitigate the risk of product recall, all of which impact sales.

In short, being agile to trends, events, regulations and consumer tastes is getting increasingly difficult and significant risk of error and delay is introduced, particularly without the adequate tools. The complexity of the beer market requires centralised and efficient management: organised dynamic data and content, better collaboration between departments and optimised graphic designs that leave room for creativity and innovation.

4Pack is the software that integrates into FOOD & BEVERAGE companies and gives the critical support in the management of technical, regulatory and marketing information. The label and packaging graphic projects are faster whilst maintaining accuracy, they are continuously fed by approved and updated information, translations and regulatory information across global markets.


Contact us if you want to find out about how 4Pack can inject time, cost and compliance efficiencies into your business and the benefits that we bring.

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