New era, new resolutions: What to look out for in 2021 - 4Pack
New era, new resolutions: What to look out for in 2021

New era, new resolutions: What to look out for in 2021

A new year brings new opportunity for the industry, this is what you should be looking out for in 2021

So, we all know that 2021 is starting where 2020 left off and we understand that presents many challenges but in the words of the ever-optimistic Albert Einstein

“In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity”.

The 4Pack team thought we would come up with a RESOLUTION list for 2021:


Your 2021 Resolutions

R – Regulations

2021 is a year to keep an eye on changing food labelling regulations: Brexit, Natasha’s Law are just two to watch.

E – Engagement

Continued growth in online and direct to consumer shopping means that finding more creative ways to engage consumers and provide clear product information is critical to stand out in the crowd.

S – Sustainability

Building sustainability in by design will become a winning strategy, whether it is the sustainability of ingredients, food processing techniques and/or packaging solutions and logistics.


O – Opportunities

2021 will be a year of new opportunities, as we eventually emerge out of the pandemic and consumers become more mobile.


L – Lifestyle

Keeping close to consumer lifestyle changes and preferences will be critical with elevated interest in plant based, healthy eating and wellness directed products.


U – Unpredictable

If 2020 is anything to go by, then 2021 will likely be unpredictable – but strap in tight and try to enjoy the ride.


T – Traceability

Field to fork transparency and traceability will become more of an agenda item in 2021, consumers want to be educated about the provenance of products.


I – Information

With 2021 likely to be a year of flux and change it is important to direct some attention in keeping all your product, ingredient and labelling information under control and up to date.


O – Open Mind

Be open minded to using systems to support your business and make 2021 the year where you tackle any overdue digital transformation to help you centralise information and streamline your processes.


N – Nimble

Finally, approach everything with agility in mind – from chasing new opportunities through to improving ways of working.



So, there you have it, a neat round up of resolutions you can make to yourselves as businesses and individuals to keep an eye out for in 2021.

But, here at 4Pack, we’re always looking forward. So, we’re making some resolutions of our own, and we’re 100% sticking to them!


4Pack 2021 Resolutions

R – Recharged and ready

We’re recharged and ready, looking forward to continuing to provide outstanding service to our clients in 2021.


E – Engaging with our market

We will regularly be adding new content to our website and launching new virtual events which focus on the industry’s most pressing matters.


S – Solving business challenges

We are excited to be able to solve new business challenges, no challenge too big or too small, just contact us.


O – Open to new ideas

We are always open to finding innovative ways to help overcome Client challenges, this is what shapes and defines the 4Pack roadmap.


L – Learning from our experiences

We’ll never stop learning, every conversation brings new thoughts and ideas to the table.


U – Understanding the market

We remain tireless in our objective to understand and be the leading product and packaging solution on the market.


T – Team work

The 4Pack team are Client focused and work with the upmost integrity. We are a strong unit focused on delivering outstanding solutions.


I – Informing others

We believe that part of our role is to inform and educate others based on our experience of transforming businesses to digital ways of working.


O – Optimising our solution for customers

We will continue to optimise the 4Pack solution, so it meets our customer expectations both now and in the future.


N – New Normal

Whatever that means at any given time! We are flexible, find inventive ways to deliver success and have fun along the way!

From the 4Pack team, we wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to working with you in the near future.


About 4Pack

4Pack is the leading end-to-end product and packaging software for the CPG and Food & Beverage industry. We are a SaaS (software as a service) solution which helps brands and manufacturers manage their product and launch update process more efficiently.

Our platform links four key technologies together that allows you to drive efficiencies, speed up time to market, streamline and increase collaboration between teams, internal and external.

4Pack allows you to:

  • Centralise your product, ingredient and pack data
  • Synchronise your artwork briefing, creation and approval
  • Manage all your NPD and EPD projects in one integrated solution
  • Create a digitally connect repository for valuable asset

4Pack product and ingredient management allows you to digitally centralise, collaborate on and control all your product and ingredient specifications.

4Pack can automate complex processes such as ingredient list creation and utilises an in-built translation library to allow this to be completed instantly in multiple on-pack languages.

4Pack offers instant impact analysis for changing ingredients. Drilling down into an ingredient identifies exactly where an ingredient is being used and on which packaging artworks this ingredient label is appearing.



4Pack allows you to collaborate with your supply chain partners and graphics service providers from one single secure interface.

Contact Us

Reach out to our expert team today to learn how you can benefit from our expertise & innovative solutions