Corporate IT: Too many ‘Batmans’ & not enough ‘Robins’? - 4Pack
Corporate IT: Too many ‘Batmans’ & not enough ‘Robins’?

Corporate IT: Too many ‘Batmans’ & not enough ‘Robins’?

Introducing a complementary approach to defining your IT landscape in CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods)

Rather than evaluating systems individually by function or capability we need to move to defining systems in terms of how they work as part of a system ‘swat team’ that allows CPG businesses to launch faster, excite more consumers, reduce risk and lower overall costs.

A complementary approach with game changing opportunities

It’s time to step back and understand the co-existence of systems and focus on how systems can really work together to deliver competitive advantage. There is significant potential in considering how combinations of one or more systems can provide game changing opportunities for business teams.

Who are your superheroes?

Within your current IT landscape, it’s likely that you have a number of ‘superhero’ systems. Maybe your ERP or QMS system for example? These are systems that are at the real heart of the business; they provide the pulse and totally define and dictate how you operate. These are your ‘Batmans’ keeping your world safe, one day at a time.

Do you have any ‘Robins’?

Sure, you may have systems and applications that sit around your superhero systems.
They function well. They may be integrated too, by simple ‘air bridges’ which channel data between them and central systems.

But are they Robins – Are they the perfect sidekicks or companions that elevate performance to a stratospheric level?

We define ‘Robins’ as:

  • Systems that complement your central ‘superhero’ systems by adding value when used together which is greater than the sum of the individual parts.
  • Systems that are agile and naturally acrobatic to change.
  • Systems that automate diverse workflows, manage data and content.
  • Systems that provide a wraparound outer layer to central systems and interface well with diverse business teams and external supply chain partners.
  • Systems that do the legwork in managing data, content and processes that are not ‘master data’ but are still important in the context of defining the performance of a product or service.

Robins are systems that ramp up the potential for business teams to concentrate on things that really add value. They support the superhero systems and complement them, maintaining the integrity of master data by handling complexity and flux and interacting with diverse teams inside and outside of your business.

The need for flexible agile information systems that sit outside ERP

In the commercialisation of products in CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) category, we see a great opportunity for systems working alongside ERP to benefit business teams, increase sales revenues and reduce costs.

Product Commercialisation

In product commercialisation there is a multitude of data, process and complexity that can be managed, in a more agile way, outside of ERP. Take for example the physical, chemical or organoleptic characteristics of a product. These aspects of the product are not relevant to the recipe or BOM (Bill of Materials) but they are pretty critical to get right if the product is going to be successful.

Packaging & Sustainability

Packaging provides another example. There are many diverse data points describing packaging materials that sit more naturally outside ERPs. Sustainability data is a good example. The requirements to gather and report on recyclability, recoverability, recycled content, carbon footprint and LCA etc are constantly evolving. They are too fluid to embody in an ERP.

Futureproofing ways of working

This situation is not going to disappear. Digital enablement is leading consumers to demand more information and greater transparency. Ecommerce sites that meet the needs of future consumers will be linked into flexible, agile information systems, that surround ERP.

This requirement for fast access to diverse sources of information and digital content means that we do need complementary systems to work alongside ERPs. These complementary systems will help businesses curate this informational content, storing data, automating calculations and managing workflows. These systems will bridge the gap to ERP providing visibility of data, real time reporting and a host of other benefits.

4Pack complements existing systems to accelerate product launch

4Pack is a unique cloud-based SaaS solution that blends four technologies to perfectly support your ‘superhero’ systems.

4Pack provides an easy to use interface from which to manage product and packaging information, design and artwork management and all the processes and assets that are required to bring product and packaging to market.

4Pack can easily integrate to provide a perfect complement to your ERP and/or Ecommerce sites.

4Pack is configurable, adaptable and scalable – perfect for today’s evolving marketplaces and changing regulatory landscapes.

4Pack would love to meet your superheroes and be part of your system ‘swat team’.
Speak to us today to understand how we can digitally transform your business.


4Pack would love to meet your superheroes and be part of your system ‘swat team’.
Speak to us today to understand how we can digitally transform your business.

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