Digital Asset Management: Store, manage and share with speed - 4Pack
Digital Asset Management: Store, manage and share with speed

Digital Asset Management: Store, manage and share with speed

In difficult times it’s more important than ever to stay on top of the admin work that keeps your business going. That’s why this is the perfect time to address your digital infrastructure.

Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a central connected file repository. It is a way of reliably managing everything you need for packaging and visual marketing of your products, making sure you stay compliant with relevant regulations and guidelines, and keeping everyone in your team up to date.

Gartner have noted an accelerated interest in DAM systems in the last 18 months as marketing leaders see realise the need to manage and scale their content:

“These new ecosystems allow them to deploy brand efficacy and control on a universal basis, as well as create efficiencies and accelerate speed to market for planning, building and launching campaigns.” 

DAM allows you take control of your brand equity by keeping everything secure in a single place. No more emailing assets around with no idea where they go next. And as your business grows, DAM grows with you, unburdening your local IT resources by managing everything in the cloud. Advanced notifications and sharing settings ensure that whenever a critical file is updated everyone who needs to know is told.

We get it, mistakes happen. Not everyone has the latest version someone gets left off the email CC list, a licensed logo is about to expire and the person in charge of noticing was on holiday. What Digital Asset Management does is to minimise human error by maintaining a single source of truth for everyone – product, brand, marketing, legal; everyone has access to the same up-to-date information.

4Pack provides industry-leading DAM, integrated with the rest of the 4Pack system, which allows you to:

  • Manage multiple asset types
  • Upload any type of document or video
  • Group assets using keywords and tags that mean something to your business, users
  • Identify assets quickly through a powerful search engine
  • Secure access for internal and external users with view/search and download rights configured by user group
  • Repurpose files before download
  • Download single or multiple files and share with remote users
  • Link into other assets and other digital data and/or content in the 4Pack system

Put an end to costly, time-consuming confusion over the latest valid files. Take control of your internal processes. Steal a march on your competitors and emerge from tough times stronger, more streamlined, and better able to compete.


4Pack exists to help Food & Beverage manufacturers and brands of all sizes to push innovative, safer products to market across channels quickly. If you want to turbo charge your product launch process, book a demo with one of our experts.

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