Uncorking the Benefits of E-Labelling | 4Pack
Uncorking the Benefits of E-Labelling: How EU Regulations are Driving Adoption of Digitalization in Wine Industry.

Uncorking the Benefits of E-Labelling: How EU Regulations are Driving Adoption of Digitalization in Wine Industry.

Product information transparency is vital for any successful business and the wine industry is no exception. New rules published by the European Union introduce a compulsory nutrition declaration and ingredients list for wine products sold within the EU market.

Considering the limited space on the traditional (physical) wine label, the regulation is allowing producers to provide mandatory information in a digital way via a QR code on the label. In addition to providing consumers with product information transparency, E-Labelling solutions are expected to simplify processes, reduce packaging costs and ensure compliance with new legislation and sustainability reporting requirements. The new EU regulation protects European consumers by mandating that ingredients causing allergies and intolerances are declared and listed on the physical label. Also, electronic labels cannot be utilized for marketing purposes and no user data is collected or tracked electronically, to ensure personal data privacy is protected.

Label and artwork management solutions not only ensure compliance but also reduce operational costs and offer an unmatched user experience for marketing and packaging professionals by centralizing all the product information, controlling the validation process, ensuring accurate versioning, and enabling business teams to collaborate to launch products more quickly.

An additional consideration is that all the product information needs to be translated for each European country it is being sold in. Translations should be managed in an efficient yet controlled way. Making the translation process as efficient as possible not only saves time and cost but also drives accuracy. A label and artwork solution should provide the ability to control artwork languages to maintain compliance.

4Flying, a leading software provider for customized and integrated label and artwork management solutions for the food & beverage industry, urges wine industry to adopt digital solutions as soon as possible. The new regulations will impact producers globally because the new rules will also apply to non-European producers distributing their products to the European market.

4Flying has always been an advocate of sustainability. It’s flagship label and artwork solution, 4Pack, helps the wine industry to manage product and packaging data to drive environmental labelling, reduce product returns and waste, and improve sustainability reporting. Look up our article about the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) that is going live in 2023 for any drinks producer distributing single use PET, cans or bottles to Scotland.


For more information visit: 4-flying.com or 4-pack.com or mail to contact@4-pack.co.uk

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